вторник, 10 июня 2008 г.

Anabol = Dianabol

Trade names:
Anabol in tbl. 5 mg tbl.: Stended Lebs Thailand.
Anabolii 5 mg tbl.: Leyras Finland.
Anabolin 0.5% cream: Leyras Finland.
Androredan 5 mg tbl.: Takeshima-Kodama Japan.
Dialon (withdrawn from sale) 5 mg tbl.: Meydzhe dollars.
Dianabol (withdrawn from sale) 5 mg tbl.: Ciba Britain, Germany, the United States.
Ensepan (Ensefan) 5 mg tbl.: Sato, Japan.
Metanabol 5 mg tbl.: Polfa Poland.
Metanabol 1 ml tbl.: Polfa Poland.
Metanabol 0.5% cream: Polfa Poland
Metandrostenolon 5 mg tbl.: Russia.
Nerobol (withdrawn from sale) 5 mg tbl.: Gamnika Yugoslavia, Gedeon Richter Vengnriya.
Pronabol-5 5 mg tbl.: PendBe Lebs India Private Limited.
Stenolon 5 mg tbl.: Lesiva Czechoslovakia.
Stenolon 1 mg tbl.: Lesiva Czechoslovakia.
Trinergik (Trinerdzhik) 5 mg kaps.: India.
Draw 5 mg tbl.: Romania.

Dianabol - this new model now used oral steroids, which has a strong impact on the exchange of protein. Influenced Dianabola increases protein synthesis and thus accelerating the production of protein the body. This effect is reflected in the positive balance of nitrogen in the body and improve the overall state of rights. On the balance of calcium also proves positive impact: Dianabol facilitates the flow of calcium into bone tissue. Dianabol shown in all diseases and conditions under which shows the anabolic effects (effects aimed at accelerating the growth of protein) and obscheukreplyayuschee impact (Part annotations shot in 1982 with sales of German firms anabolic steroid Dianabola S ib a Ver / Baden).

Oral anabolic steroid Dianabol, which received an American doctor, John Ziegler, with the assistance of the company "Ciba-Geigy" in 1956 sells in the U.S. first began in 1960 and later was already in the markets of many countries. For several years Dianabol became the favorite and most used anabolic steroid athletes of all sports. 1.05.82 firm "Ciba-Geigy" withdrew from the sale of all medicines sold while under the trade name Dianabol, which, in all forms his release, due to abuse them. The company then explained his step growing misuse Dianabola in some developing countries where the drug prescribed for increasing appetite for better absorption of protein, and all without exception, even women and children. Three years later 1.05.85 Anabol veterinary equipment was also removed from sale. Since patent law firms "Ciba-Geigy" on the existing chemical metandrostenolon (as well as metandienon) for several years now has no force, the right to security of athletes these drugs have been other firms. Manufacturers have a variety of countries supplying the market this substance under their own names (see the list of trade names). By their chemical structure is similar to Dianabol 17 - Alpha - metiltestosteronom. And as a consequence, Dianabol has a strong effect anablolicheskim and androgens, which manifests itself in a huge gain strength and mass. Dianabol was simply "steroids muscle mass, which acts quickly and reliably. Increase of one of two kilgogrammov a week during the first six weeks - is the norm in the admission Dianabola Pribavochny body weight consists of real tissue growth (hypertrophy of muscle fibers) and especially noticeable delays of fluid in the body. Dianabol is very easy to candy, that is Part substance turns into estrogens, so Dianabol - not a good tool to prepare for competitions. Excessive accumulation of water and flavouring easily avoided in most cases, combining simultaneous reception and Nolvadeksa Provirona, so that some athletes may use all mse Dianabol to 3 - 4 days before the games.

The range of strengths - the most diverse, especially among athletes bodybuilding, and MLB athletes paueliftinga. This range extends from 2 - x pills a day to 20 or more pills daily admission. Those athletes who believe that should necessarily take a two-digit daily number of tablets should be to heed the statement the company "Ciba-Geigy" on their own product Dianabole, statement interesting and worth attention: "The most obvious criterion Dianabola action is to increase body weight . Between the increase in body weight and height dosage seems no pryamoproportsionalnoy dependence. " Authors Robert Hekr and X. De Mare insist on this in his book "hormonal regulation and psychophysical predisposition in a large sport", on page 55 where you can read: "It is impossible to establish any simple dose of interdependencies between the host and the height of his drug concentrations in blood." It clogs of course, that the authors do not have in mind that henceforth every athlete should take only one 5 - milligramovuyu pill a day, and yet this statement, along with long-term observations help athletes, to select for themselves individually reasonable dose. A daily dose, really good at acting athlete - where some 15 - 40 mg a day. Dosage should always conform to the characteristics of the individual athlete. Novices in steroids should never take more than 15 - 20 mg per day, because already with this dose through 8 - 10 weeks they will be able to achieve fantastic results. If the drug's effect on this group of athletes after approximately eight weeks of declines, as an athlete would still like to continue the course, it should not increase the dosage of medication, you need only to supplement it to take a piece of injecting steroids, the type of durabolina Deka-200 mg per week or Primabolona to 200 mg per week or a switch to one of these drugs.

The use of testosterone in this stage is not recommended. Wait a bit, yet all to come. For the most impatient and have already experienced athletes (athletes advanced stage) created miracles combination of Dianabola 20 - 30 mg per day and Deka-durabolina of 200 - 400 mg nedelyu.Sam Daniel Dacheyn in his book "Handbook on steroids 2" writes on page . 33: "If you do not build mass with Deka and Dianabolom, then do not build anything, no matter how good the drug was neither."

In fact athletes without ambitions, aiming at competitions can achieve quite outstanding success with Dianabolom and Deka. Athletes large sport Athletes advanced stage and those that weigh over 100 kg, are in need of a dose, not exceeding 40 mg per day, well, and in rare cases in a 50 mg daily admission. It is meaningless to raise the number of pills before Dianabola disparate proportions, because 15 pills do not work in 2 times better than 7 or 8. A daily dose of 50 mg of net proceeds from the ignorance of the facts on the Verkhovna athletes, or despair, because some because of continuous or improper admission of steroids do not see any progress. The simultaneous use of Dianabola and Anapolona 50 - a bad idea, because These two drugs are too similar in their impact, resulting in a situation occurs, such as when an athlete takes 10 or more pills Dianabola. Those who are primarily interisuyut strength, and then muscle mass, can combine with Dianabol Oksandrolonom or Vinstrolom (tablets). Additional admission of a steroid injection was still noticeably better results. To build strength and muscle mass is particularly well suited Sustanon Testoviron or long-acting 250 mg per week and / or Deka-durabolin to 200 mg per week. To prepare for competition Dianabol year only with reservations, because many athletes it causes a large cluster of water and because of its high convertibility of estrogens it difficult for the process of reducing fat athlete. Those who do not suffer this problem, as well as those who nab hand with Nolvadeksom Provironom and should take in this phase of Dianabol steroids to prepare for the competition: Parabolanom, Vinstrolom long-acting, Masteronom, Oksandrolonom etc.

Since Dianabol operates only 3.2 - 4.5 hours, it should take at least twice a day to reach sufficient concentration of chemical substances in the blood. The research found that exposure Dianabola time in the days of training compared to the days of rest from them even more short, so it seems full of meaning, receiving medication three times a day. Since Dianabol alkulirovan to 17 - alpha and those already protected from the loss of its existing chemical substances, it should be taken during the meal than you can often avoid upcoming gastro - gastrointestinal disorders. On the third day after the reception Dianabola presence of its existing chemical Metandrostenolona (metandienona) in the blood, according to the results of analyses, negative. This means that the tablets have passed. Atlet still must rely only on the negative urinovuyu test, because selected products Metandrostenolona urine lasted longer. The maximum concentration of existing chemical substances in the blood achieved Dianabola hour later - three hours after his admission. Already a simple admission of only 10 mg manifested fivefold increase in the average number of male testosterone. A significant reason why Dianabol well for each athlete that endrogennaya formulation kortizona reduced by 50 - 70%. This greatly slowed the dissolution percentage of protein in muscle cell.

Women Dianabol do not, because on the basis of its strong component, it gives women maskulinizatsii noticeable phenomenon. Yet a sufficient number of athletes Bodybuilding and Powerlifting especially athletes taking Dianabol and at doses of 10 - 20 mg per day achieved great success. Women chuvsvitelnye not result in an additional influx of androgens, and those that are absolutely not afraid of random phenomena maskulinizatsii, well-dose cost of 2 - 4 tablets to a maximum of 4 - 6 weeks. The higher dosage and longer to receiving the drug had better results, but makes visible presence of androgens in the women's body. More than 10 mg per day and 50 - the deck durabolina 100 mg per day over 4 - 6 weeks should not adopt any woman who appreciates their femininity.

Although Dianabol imbeet many potential side effects, they are rare in dosage to 20 mg per day. Since Dianabol alkulirovan to 17 - alpha, an increased burden on the liver. In high dosages, and with prolonged use of Dianabol acts on the liver toxicity. Yet even when he could only dosage of 10 mg per day increase secretion of the liver that is normal to normal again upon termination of admission medication. Since Dianabol rapid weight increases by strong accumulation of water, may increase pressure and increased frequency of heart, which makes necessary in the circumstances reception antigipertonika (a means of lowering the pressure), such as Kataprizan. Additional admission Nolvadeksa and Provirona may find its application, because Dianabol highly aromatized and easily turns into estrogens, causing some athletes ginekomastiyu and worsens the already poor condition. Because of a strong component of androgens and its conversion into Digidrotesteron Dianabol may cause some athletes increased vulgar acne on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders, because initiated activities sebaceous glands. When appropriate hereditary predisposition Dianabol can accelerate alopecia, hair because again - there is a high prevraschaemost its chemical in Digidrotestosteron. Dianabol have a significant impact on the level of endogenous testosterone. Studies have shown that by Dianabola 20 mg per day over 10 days has already reduced the level of testosterone in the body develop at 30 - 40%. This is due pronounced effect antigonadotropnym Dianabola, ie it hinders the formulation of gonadotropin (FSG (folikulyarnostimuliruyuschy hormone) and LH (lyutsiniziruyuschy hormone)) through the hypophysis. Another drawback is that when the cessation of receiving the drug often seen following this loss of strength and muscle mass, because Messier during the reception of the drug in the body water is derived from it again. In high doses, 50 mg a day is observed in some cases increasing aggressive behaviour athlete, which, if it had been directed exclusively to training, could be an advantage and medication. Those who by nature tend to easily "explode", should draw attention to this quality Dianabola that his admission does not lead to uncontrollable actions. Despite all the possible problems Dianabol is for most athletes anabolic steroid "Well-Being," which improves mood and increases the appetite for many athletes, combined with the achieved results and promotes psychological and increasing self-enlightenment.

For the past few years the only source of Dianabola athletes for steroids is the black market. There Dianabol find all sorts of colors, forms of release, various forms and under a variety of trade names. Those who are interested in buying only the original, should draw attention to the fact that the means chosen included in the list of normal trade names preparations containing metandrostenolon (metandienon).

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