The gainers. Every experienced bodybuilder often uses this fashionable word, teaching beginners. But not every athlete knows what really lies behind the name "Gainer".
The word gainer is of English origin, "Gein" (gain) - which indicates the growth of anything, increased. The gainers, usually referred to as a certain type of food additives, which belong to a sports food, just like in a special way concentrated protein, creatine, amino acids, glutamine. Sports nutrition referred to as specialized nutrition of athletes, dedicated to those who decided more professionally, on a permanent basis, to do what is called bodybuilding.
The main goal, which is facing manufacturers Montreal bodybuilding sports nutrition is to give Your body the opportunity to build new muscle, ligament and other necessary cloth with maximum speed.
This speed, first of all, depends on the trophic (nutrition tissue), training intensity and the ability of the muscles to recover between workouts in the gym.
Another purpose sports nutrition - make Your body is able to play sports with maximum efficiency: to promote the burning of fat and reduce fat, increase the weight by increasing muscle mass.
Most other kinds of sports nutrition is composed of ordinary products - egg white, milk, cereal, naturally, add there and so the body needs athlete vitamins and other necessary for the human body substances.
The gainer is intended primarily for those people who dream of it is about the weight gain due to the increase of muscle mass. Therefore, the gainer is comprised primarily of carbohydrates and proteins, although there is in them and other substances.
Carbohydrates are essential for providing the body with the energy needed for intense physical activity, training. In turn, proteins is a primary building block for muscle growth.
In the gainers, as we noted above, their manufacturers often add vitamins, and anabolic substances. These substances - pharmacological drugs, stimulating the body protein synthesis, and thus muscle growth and deposition of calcium salts in the tissues.
Creatine should be used during competitions and training in the sports hall, when the body consumes a large amount of energy.
In addition, the bodybuilder must take gainer a half hour before exercise, for example, training and 20-30 after it.
Creatine work effectively within a few hours. They very quickly restore the energy reserves of the human organism cells. In the period when physical activity no, creatine has the sense to be taken only in case when building muscle, there are difficulties. Also gainers can eat those people who during sports activities, there is no possibility systematic and balanced nourishment.
суббота, 26 июля 2014 г.
вторник, 1 марта 2011 г.
Anabolic Tablets by Asia Pharma - fake or real? Anadrol 50 mg
Anadrol 50 mg
Anadrol increases the number of red blood cells, allowing the muscles better supplied with oxygen. Increased endurance and muscle performance. Even after several approaches athlete has a good level of strength. Some bodybuilders say about excessively and even painful "pump effect" and that they were during training, after a small amount of approaches, finish work on a specific muscle group, and immediately transferred to another group of muscles. Often referred to "pump effect" brings the athlete during training a fantastic feeling of satisfaction. The strong androgenic effect "Anadrol" promotes a very high physical regeneration, so while taking the drug "overtraining" is simply impossible. Often, after a strenuous workout the athlete has a feeling that he was still able to work out several hours, and despite the fact that athletes typically train 6-7 times a week. The athlete himself clearly sees his progress.
Often arose at the beginning of the course "Anadrol" huge weight gain, quickly evaporates. Therefore, there exist two alternatives: either increase the dosage, which should avoid the athlete due to an increased risk of side effects, or, better yet, switch to another drug. Who makes the "Anadrol 50" 5-8 weeks may gain weight 10kg. This is a good forecast for any athlete that can serve as a signal to stop taking the drug. It is true that at least the end of reception "Anadrol" steroid course continues with another drug, or an athlete that is often observed during naikrotchayshego deadline may lose the majority made by increments. No other anabolic / androgenic steroid does not entail such a quick sharp decline of muscle mass and strength.
A well-known weightlifter once said: "If, after you stop taking the drug three times to urinate, you will weigh exactly 5kg less and otozhmesh from the bench on 10kg less." Therefore, far from looking athletes continue to "rate" for a few weeks, using injectable testosterone, such as "Sustanon 250" or "testenata.
Oxymetholone - Anadrol 50 mg - Oxyanabolic Tablets by Asia Pharma
четверг, 8 апреля 2010 г.
Ampoules or bottles
Although Deca-Durabolin - not an optimal steroid preparation for the competition, many athletes he brings good results and in this phase. Since Deka - long-acting anabolic, there is a risk accumulation excessive amounts of water before a competition at a higher dosage.
This problem is easily avoided by injection faster acting Durabolin with its substance nandrolonfenilpropionatom. The conversion into estrogen, that aromatization, are possible with Deca, but appear only at a dosage of 400 mg / week. Before the contest with dope - take control Deco is not worth it, because located in the body decay products of the drug found in urine even after months. Those who have such control is not threatened, may apply Deco as the base product of a strong anabolic effect at doses of 400 mg per week. Contained in doses of 400 mg per week androgens help to the same acceleration regeniratsii. The risk of accumulation of water and flavoring is eliminated by combining the use Proviron and Nolvadex. Often observed in preparing for the competing athletes includes titled: "Deka-durabolon 400 mg / week + Winstrol 500 mg per week, 228 mg Parabolan / week, Oxandrolone 25 mg per week." Although side effects while taking decks are relatively low with dosages of 400 mg / week, androgenic effects may occur, resulting in high blood pressure, in blood clotting, which can cause frequent nasal bleeding and bleeding long unhealed wounds, and also increased activity of the sebaceous gland and occasional acne. Youngish athletes talk about headaches and sexual overstimulation. When very high doses over a prolonged period in men can appear delayed spermatogenesis, ie testes produce less testosterone. The reason is that Deca-Durabolin, like almost all steroids, inhibits the release of gonadotropins from the hypophysis.
Women, judging from experience with a dosage of 200 mg / week do not have major problems with Deca. At higher dosages androgenic effects may occur virilization: reducing deep voice (irreversible), increased body hair, acne, increased libido, clitorihypertrophy. Women who have problems with subcutaneous Deca-Durabolin, even with a dosage of 50 mg per week, can improve their fortunes often mentioned here, faster acting Durabolin. For one, use dvurazovom 50 mg Durabolin / week undesirable accumulation of androgens is not observed, in contrast to dolgodeystvuyuschego deck. Since the majority of athletes doing a fine job with Deca-Durabolin, they combine it with Oksandropolonom: Deca 50 mg per week - Oksandropolon 10 mg per day. Both of the drug in low dosages slightly androgenic so that masculinizing effects are rare. Deca, through increased synthesis of proteins provides a small gain in muscle mass, and Oxandrolone due to increased synthesis of creatine phosphate provides the strength gain with very slight accumulation of water. Other frequently observed in female athletes receiving options - this soundboard + tablets Winstrol or Deca Primobolan + tablet Since S Deca-Durabolin has no negative effects on the liver, it can be applied and liver diseases. Studies have shown that combined application of Dianabol / Deca-Durabolin increases the secretion of the liver, which is still normal at stop accepting alkulirovannogo Dianabol and Deca further admission. Even the duration of treatment Deca-Durabolin in a few years does not detect liver damage. Therefore, Deka well combined with Andriol (240 - 280 mg / day), because Andriol excreted through the liver and not, therefore, does not affect its function. This combination is a favorite among mature and cautious consumers steroids.
The big disadvantage of Deca-Durabolin - is its price. In Germany, 3 ampoules of 50 mg are 86,20 DM (parings list 1993). And as week course of at least 200 mg, it is very expensive treatment. On the black market can be found mostly Dutch and Greek Deca-Durabolin (200 mg/2ml, liquid), which typically costs 30 - 35 DM per ampoule. Those who have access to such drugs as Anabolin, Sterobolin or Ekstrabolin receive such a way as good quality at a much lower price. Is it good kachesva Russian Retabolil, vengrsky Retabolil, let doubt. But they are interesting, at least in terms of their value. Since Deca-Durabolin is very fond of athletes and he is in great demand, there are many of his forgeries. Especially common brown bottles of "Internatsional Pharmaceuticals under the name of Nandrolone - decanoate and 30 - 50 milliliter bottles brown firm Neyshnl Sell - USA. In addition, there are fakes in 2-millilitovyh vial for alleged 100 mg per 1ml. Original soundboard nowhere in Europe is not sold in glass ampoules or removing the bottles, which contain more than 2 ml injection fluid.
Ampoules or bottles Organon Company all have a sticker or label, rather than a simple stamp, which the majority of fraud occurred directly on the glass. If you are offered an ampule without proper packaging to treat the drug (and seller) with skepticism. Tool Nandrolone - decanoate firm Internatsional Pharmaceuticals also has a sticker and also sold in a package, however it is a fake. A lot of fakes on the Dutch Deca-Durabolin 100 firm Organon. Original relatively easy to recognize because it comes perforated through the ampoule with red unscrew the lid, which gave the Dutch Deca nickname of "Little Red Riding Hood", the Greek Deca without problems and in large quantities very cheaply you can buy on. Crete since to Crete every year comes a certain contingent from Greece, which has government subsidies and makes possible such low prices.
This problem is easily avoided by injection faster acting Durabolin with its substance nandrolonfenilpropionatom. The conversion into estrogen, that aromatization, are possible with Deca, but appear only at a dosage of 400 mg / week. Before the contest with dope - take control Deco is not worth it, because located in the body decay products of the drug found in urine even after months. Those who have such control is not threatened, may apply Deco as the base product of a strong anabolic effect at doses of 400 mg per week. Contained in doses of 400 mg per week androgens help to the same acceleration regeniratsii. The risk of accumulation of water and flavoring is eliminated by combining the use Proviron and Nolvadex. Often observed in preparing for the competing athletes includes titled: "Deka-durabolon 400 mg / week + Winstrol 500 mg per week, 228 mg Parabolan / week, Oxandrolone 25 mg per week." Although side effects while taking decks are relatively low with dosages of 400 mg / week, androgenic effects may occur, resulting in high blood pressure, in blood clotting, which can cause frequent nasal bleeding and bleeding long unhealed wounds, and also increased activity of the sebaceous gland and occasional acne. Youngish athletes talk about headaches and sexual overstimulation. When very high doses over a prolonged period in men can appear delayed spermatogenesis, ie testes produce less testosterone. The reason is that Deca-Durabolin, like almost all steroids, inhibits the release of gonadotropins from the hypophysis.
Women, judging from experience with a dosage of 200 mg / week do not have major problems with Deca. At higher dosages androgenic effects may occur virilization: reducing deep voice (irreversible), increased body hair, acne, increased libido, clitorihypertrophy. Women who have problems with subcutaneous Deca-Durabolin, even with a dosage of 50 mg per week, can improve their fortunes often mentioned here, faster acting Durabolin. For one, use dvurazovom 50 mg Durabolin / week undesirable accumulation of androgens is not observed, in contrast to dolgodeystvuyuschego deck. Since the majority of athletes doing a fine job with Deca-Durabolin, they combine it with Oksandropolonom: Deca 50 mg per week - Oksandropolon 10 mg per day. Both of the drug in low dosages slightly androgenic so that masculinizing effects are rare. Deca, through increased synthesis of proteins provides a small gain in muscle mass, and Oxandrolone due to increased synthesis of creatine phosphate provides the strength gain with very slight accumulation of water. Other frequently observed in female athletes receiving options - this soundboard + tablets Winstrol or Deca Primobolan + tablet Since S Deca-Durabolin has no negative effects on the liver, it can be applied and liver diseases. Studies have shown that combined application of Dianabol / Deca-Durabolin increases the secretion of the liver, which is still normal at stop accepting alkulirovannogo Dianabol and Deca further admission. Even the duration of treatment Deca-Durabolin in a few years does not detect liver damage. Therefore, Deka well combined with Andriol (240 - 280 mg / day), because Andriol excreted through the liver and not, therefore, does not affect its function. This combination is a favorite among mature and cautious consumers steroids.
The big disadvantage of Deca-Durabolin - is its price. In Germany, 3 ampoules of 50 mg are 86,20 DM (parings list 1993). And as week course of at least 200 mg, it is very expensive treatment. On the black market can be found mostly Dutch and Greek Deca-Durabolin (200 mg/2ml, liquid), which typically costs 30 - 35 DM per ampoule. Those who have access to such drugs as Anabolin, Sterobolin or Ekstrabolin receive such a way as good quality at a much lower price. Is it good kachesva Russian Retabolil, vengrsky Retabolil, let doubt. But they are interesting, at least in terms of their value. Since Deca-Durabolin is very fond of athletes and he is in great demand, there are many of his forgeries. Especially common brown bottles of "Internatsional Pharmaceuticals under the name of Nandrolone - decanoate and 30 - 50 milliliter bottles brown firm Neyshnl Sell - USA. In addition, there are fakes in 2-millilitovyh vial for alleged 100 mg per 1ml. Original soundboard nowhere in Europe is not sold in glass ampoules or removing the bottles, which contain more than 2 ml injection fluid.
Ampoules or bottles Organon Company all have a sticker or label, rather than a simple stamp, which the majority of fraud occurred directly on the glass. If you are offered an ampule without proper packaging to treat the drug (and seller) with skepticism. Tool Nandrolone - decanoate firm Internatsional Pharmaceuticals also has a sticker and also sold in a package, however it is a fake. A lot of fakes on the Dutch Deca-Durabolin 100 firm Organon. Original relatively easy to recognize because it comes perforated through the ampoule with red unscrew the lid, which gave the Dutch Deca nickname of "Little Red Riding Hood", the Greek Deca without problems and in large quantities very cheaply you can buy on. Crete since to Crete every year comes a certain contingent from Greece, which has government subsidies and makes possible such low prices.
воскресенье, 23 ноября 2008 г.
Where to buy Whey Protein
The most popular product from the famous all over the world of the manufacturer. Well-defined composition at a moderate price, complexes of digestive enzymes otsustviya lactose and aspartama, easy solubility and usvaimost made it a hit product sales.
Recommendation: take a 1-2 dimensional spoons 3-4 times a day through 2 hours after meals or an hour before it melt in the milk or water, depending on your preference.
DESCRIPTION OF "100% Whey Protein"
100% Whey Protein is a high-quality source of whey protein.
100% Whey Protein high-quality source of protein, which supports the structure of a strong strain muscles and preventing the destruction of muscle protein.
100% Whey Protein - a product extensively branched amino acids, oxidizing directly into the muscles, thereby reducing energy for muscles.
The number of nutrients in one portion (1 spoon = 28.4 g) product:
* Kalorii - 110, including Kalorii from fat - 10
* Total fat - 1 g, including Rich fat - 0.5 g
* Cholesterol - 30 mg
* Total carbohydrates - 2 g
* Protein - 23 g
* Calcium - 160 mg
* Sodium - 40 mg
* Potassium - 140 mg
* A mixture of enzymes - 10 mg
Aminogen ®
Laktaza (standardized to 100000 FCC units / g)
A typical amino acid composition (in milligrams per portion):
* Triptofan - 240
* Valine - 1440
* Treonin - 1720
* Isoleucine - 1520
* Leucine - 2470
* Lizin - 2120
* Phenylalanine - 670
* Methionine - 440
* Arginine - 480
* Tsistin - 440
* Tyrosine - 590
* Histidine - 400
* Proline - 1540
* Glyutamin & his predecessors - 3870
* Aspartic acid - 2490
* Serin - 1240
* Glycine - 530
* Alanine - 1380
Other ingredients: a mixture of protein (whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, whey peptides), artificial flavors, lecithin, atsesulfam potassium.
Recommendations for use:
To maintain a positive balance of nitrogen, take a day for about 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body, combined with dietary supplements. For best results, distribute their consumption of protein at 4-6 the relatively small eating throughout the day.
For example, when the weight of 82 kg, you'll need about 180 grams of protein a day. You can thus take 6 servings of 30 grams of protein.
Porcius in the package: 160
The most popular product from the famous all over the world of the manufacturer. Well-defined composition at a moderate price, complexes of digestive enzymes otsustviya lactose and aspartama, easy solubility and usvaimost made it a hit product sales.
Recommendation: take a 1-2 dimensional spoons 3-4 times a day through 2 hours after meals or an hour before it melt in the milk or water, depending on your preference.
DESCRIPTION OF "100% Whey Protein"
100% Whey Protein is a high-quality source of whey protein.
100% Whey Protein high-quality source of protein, which supports the structure of a strong strain muscles and preventing the destruction of muscle protein.
100% Whey Protein - a product extensively branched amino acids, oxidizing directly into the muscles, thereby reducing energy for muscles.
The number of nutrients in one portion (1 spoon = 28.4 g) product:
* Kalorii - 110, including Kalorii from fat - 10
* Total fat - 1 g, including Rich fat - 0.5 g
* Cholesterol - 30 mg
* Total carbohydrates - 2 g
* Protein - 23 g
* Calcium - 160 mg
* Sodium - 40 mg
* Potassium - 140 mg
* A mixture of enzymes - 10 mg
Aminogen ®
Laktaza (standardized to 100000 FCC units / g)
A typical amino acid composition (in milligrams per portion):
* Triptofan - 240
* Valine - 1440
* Treonin - 1720
* Isoleucine - 1520
* Leucine - 2470
* Lizin - 2120
* Phenylalanine - 670
* Methionine - 440
* Arginine - 480
* Tsistin - 440
* Tyrosine - 590
* Histidine - 400
* Proline - 1540
* Glyutamin & his predecessors - 3870
* Aspartic acid - 2490
* Serin - 1240
* Glycine - 530
* Alanine - 1380
Other ingredients: a mixture of protein (whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, whey peptides), artificial flavors, lecithin, atsesulfam potassium.
Recommendations for use:
To maintain a positive balance of nitrogen, take a day for about 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body, combined with dietary supplements. For best results, distribute their consumption of protein at 4-6 the relatively small eating throughout the day.
For example, when the weight of 82 kg, you'll need about 180 grams of protein a day. You can thus take 6 servings of 30 grams of protein.
Porcius in the package: 160
Buy whey protein
понедельник, 6 октября 2008 г.
Vasopro Pure Ephedrine | Ephedra 25mg
Ephedrine containing products - Ephedrine HCl 25mg.
Everyone knows: the combination of caffeine to ephedrine - the most effective "zhiroszhigatel" in the world.
Since caffeine is clear. It is found in coffee, tea, Coca-Kole ... It still no one died. But what about ephedrine? After all, he is prohibited by Mok. Good does not prohibit. And if ephedrine is harmful, then why did volgotno sell "zhiroszhigateli" on ephedrine?
Start with the need that ephedrine is not dangerous to health, but to act like famous disco wheels: Energy and Preto, no fatigue - plyashi at least until the morning. If athletes take ephedrine before running distance, it will receive a clear advantage and invalid. The IOC banned synthetic "clean" ephedrine, and manufacturers' zhiroszhigateley "adding they ephedra herb and the issue of harmless homeopathic medicine.
What you need to know
Ephedra - is one of those rare plants that contain alkaloids. According to its effect on human alkaloids vary: there are drugs, there are poisons. But ephedra contains alkaloids, which brutally increase muscle power. One of alkaloids and called ephedrine. Here are the names of the other: pseudoephedrine, norephedrine, N-methylephedrine,
N-metilpsevdoefedrin and norpsevdoefedrin. Ephedrine in ephedra most - from 40 to 90% (depending on location).
All this may seem to you a distant exotic, but ephedrine alkaloids, you probably already taken, and more than once. Pseudoephedrine is included with all new-fashioned means-bags from the cold.
It added that ephedrine alkaloids found in the grass mahuang. So when you meet on the label is the name of note: you also have to deal with ephedrine, thus, from which hudeyut.
"Zhiroszhigateli" on caffeine and ephedrine - the main "weapon" in the modern fitness battle for superfiguru. Try a lot, but none of today's findings and a number not lie with the "couple", jokingly called "obderin." (In the sense that, saying, "abrasive" to the bone.)
By the way, has more recently found that the drug's effectiveness could be increased even further if the passing score in his mouth pill ... aspirin.
Among specialists in sports nutrition raznoboya about "zhiroszhigayuschih" supplements with caffeine and ephedra (or mahuang) no. All agree that these supplements actually work. Another case that the dose must comply with the measure. Evidence-based dose (20 mg ephedra and 200-250 mg of caffeine) is safe, but, alas, many "enthusiasts" themselves appoint dose ten times higher than the recommendations of scientists. Side effects such as increased nervousness or frequent cardiac rhythm are temporary in nature, but they can impose on an unknown you very heartfelt pathology or renal pathology. That's when already over the outcome of the case, no one surety. In connection with all this, experts do not advise experimenting with ephedrine against the backdrop of increased life stress, exacerbating the already ailing domestic. It can go sideways.
The burning of fat
Buy here
When it comes to drugs for slimming, the notion of "efficiency" and "safety" are often antithesis. Knowing this, scientists had ephedrine comprehensive study. Thus was born into the world scientific work at 195 pages, entitled "Measuring Security and defining the maximum allowable level of the use of ephedra." Here are just three quotations.
Men and women with excess weight within 2 months of receiving a plant supplement (72 mg of ephedrine alkaloids and 240 mg of caffeine per day) or placebo ( "empty"). As a result, those who took supplements, on average, lost 2.1 kg of fat, while the proportion of their "disadvantaged" comrades had only 200 g.
Another study covers a longer period - 4 months. Scientists gave their trust either 15 mg / day deksfenfluramina (means slimming), or "classic" 200 mg kofeina/20 mg of ephedrine three times a day. At the end of the experiment with the first group there was a loss, on average, 6.8 kg. But for ephedrine and caffeine "experimental" lost at 8.2 kg.
A third study lasted six months. Patients suffering from obesity, sat on a diet and in addition receive: either caffeine (200 mg / day) or ephedrine (20 mg / day) or supplement with caffeine and ephedrine (200 mg + 20 mg / day) or placebo. The most effective formula has caffeine / ephedrine. Those who had lost 16.8 kg to 13.2 kg host "empty". Curiously, the caffeine and ephedrine separately had no effect accelerated diet. Weight loss here, it was exactly such as the placebo group.
Regarding side effects, they were observed in all three cases. More than that found those who surrendered from the experiments just under the pressure side of symptoms. However, other participants state itself returned to normal in time from a half to two months. That is the conclusion of scientists: the "ephedrine, caffeine, in fact, promotes weight loss. There are side effects of a temporary nature, which need to discuss with the doctor.

Fat Burners and Diet Pills
Improving endurance
If you took lose weight using "zhiroszhigatelya with ephedrine, whether you get from the drug effects of doping? Yes, get.
Here's an experiment data on conventional rastrenirovannyh men. They suggested Pedal bicycle ergometer to "complete exhaustion". Those who took a placebo, left the "distance" after 17 minutes, while ephedrine and caffeine members experiments "proderzhalis 28 minutes.
Naturally, you may be tempted to put a drive and eat double or even triple dose of "zhiroszhigatelya, but so do not be. If a horse runs at a speed of 30 km, it does not mean that the two povezut you at speeds of under 60. Exceeding the recommended dose, you are wise to increase the risk of side effects, and just everything.
Common sense
For safety, never exceed the upper limit of 90 mg of ephedrine alkaloids per day. Carefully read the label on a product. Sometimes, "zhiroszhigatel" contains ephedra, and mahuang. Doses of 90 mg is enough to make your treningu second wind. To lose weight, a dose of less than half.
However, it is necessary to remember that's what. Completeness is often accompanied by heart and kidney ailments. So vzyavshis shock lose weight with the help of caffeine and ephedrine, you can run on its hidden disease. Need a caution. Better to show before taking the drug a doctor, and he certainly knows himself, as you check for possible health problems. M & F
Tip: What is ephedrine?
Ephedra - the plant (Ephedra sinica), is a natural source of ephedrine alkaloids. Different types of ephedra contain different amounts of these alkaloids.
How many dietary supplements containing ephedra? The composition of food additives, usually consists of extracts of ephedra from 6 to 8, the percentage of ephedrine alkaloids. At the label reputable firms typically given them the exact dose in milligrams, so that you do not have to fool, to calculate those same 6-8 per cent. If not, get into the hands of a calculator and make their own calculations. Products with ephedra produced very much. Large firms are paying great attention to quality control, so that their labels could be trusted - that is written, you will get. Little-known companies which supply the market ephedra, less reliable, the contents of the package may not match what it says.
How safe food additives? According to independent researchers, with a natural supplement ephedra can be considered harmless if its daily dose contains no more than 90 mg of ephedrine alkaloids. Most of its products contain far fewer.
What are contraindications to ephedrine? Ephedrine is contraindicated in the following diagnoses: coronary thrombosis, diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, hypertension, all thyroid illness, a breach of cerebral circulation, feohromotsitoma (a form of adrenal cancer, singling out epinephrine), an increase in the prostate. A particularly dangerous ephedrine with kidney damage. We do not recommend taking supplements with ephedra those prescribed medications with ephedrine alkaloid, in addition, ephedra is contraindicated for those taking medication, which is monoaminoksidaza. Next, ephedrine should not adopt children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women and older persons.
Everyone knows: the combination of caffeine to ephedrine - the most effective "zhiroszhigatel" in the world.
Since caffeine is clear. It is found in coffee, tea, Coca-Kole ... It still no one died. But what about ephedrine? After all, he is prohibited by Mok. Good does not prohibit. And if ephedrine is harmful, then why did volgotno sell "zhiroszhigateli" on ephedrine?
Start with the need that ephedrine is not dangerous to health, but to act like famous disco wheels: Energy and Preto, no fatigue - plyashi at least until the morning. If athletes take ephedrine before running distance, it will receive a clear advantage and invalid. The IOC banned synthetic "clean" ephedrine, and manufacturers' zhiroszhigateley "adding they ephedra herb and the issue of harmless homeopathic medicine.
What you need to know
Ephedra - is one of those rare plants that contain alkaloids. According to its effect on human alkaloids vary: there are drugs, there are poisons. But ephedra contains alkaloids, which brutally increase muscle power. One of alkaloids and called ephedrine. Here are the names of the other: pseudoephedrine, norephedrine, N-methylephedrine,
N-metilpsevdoefedrin and norpsevdoefedrin. Ephedrine in ephedra most - from 40 to 90% (depending on location).
All this may seem to you a distant exotic, but ephedrine alkaloids, you probably already taken, and more than once. Pseudoephedrine is included with all new-fashioned means-bags from the cold.
It added that ephedrine alkaloids found in the grass mahuang. So when you meet on the label is the name of note: you also have to deal with ephedrine, thus, from which hudeyut.
"Zhiroszhigateli" on caffeine and ephedrine - the main "weapon" in the modern fitness battle for superfiguru. Try a lot, but none of today's findings and a number not lie with the "couple", jokingly called "obderin." (In the sense that, saying, "abrasive" to the bone.)
By the way, has more recently found that the drug's effectiveness could be increased even further if the passing score in his mouth pill ... aspirin.
Among specialists in sports nutrition raznoboya about "zhiroszhigayuschih" supplements with caffeine and ephedra (or mahuang) no. All agree that these supplements actually work. Another case that the dose must comply with the measure. Evidence-based dose (20 mg ephedra and 200-250 mg of caffeine) is safe, but, alas, many "enthusiasts" themselves appoint dose ten times higher than the recommendations of scientists. Side effects such as increased nervousness or frequent cardiac rhythm are temporary in nature, but they can impose on an unknown you very heartfelt pathology or renal pathology. That's when already over the outcome of the case, no one surety. In connection with all this, experts do not advise experimenting with ephedrine against the backdrop of increased life stress, exacerbating the already ailing domestic. It can go sideways.
The burning of fat
Buy here
Vasopo Ephedrine
When it comes to drugs for slimming, the notion of "efficiency" and "safety" are often antithesis. Knowing this, scientists had ephedrine comprehensive study. Thus was born into the world scientific work at 195 pages, entitled "Measuring Security and defining the maximum allowable level of the use of ephedra." Here are just three quotations.
Men and women with excess weight within 2 months of receiving a plant supplement (72 mg of ephedrine alkaloids and 240 mg of caffeine per day) or placebo ( "empty"). As a result, those who took supplements, on average, lost 2.1 kg of fat, while the proportion of their "disadvantaged" comrades had only 200 g.
Another study covers a longer period - 4 months. Scientists gave their trust either 15 mg / day deksfenfluramina (means slimming), or "classic" 200 mg kofeina/20 mg of ephedrine three times a day. At the end of the experiment with the first group there was a loss, on average, 6.8 kg. But for ephedrine and caffeine "experimental" lost at 8.2 kg.
A third study lasted six months. Patients suffering from obesity, sat on a diet and in addition receive: either caffeine (200 mg / day) or ephedrine (20 mg / day) or supplement with caffeine and ephedrine (200 mg + 20 mg / day) or placebo. The most effective formula has caffeine / ephedrine. Those who had lost 16.8 kg to 13.2 kg host "empty". Curiously, the caffeine and ephedrine separately had no effect accelerated diet. Weight loss here, it was exactly such as the placebo group.
Regarding side effects, they were observed in all three cases. More than that found those who surrendered from the experiments just under the pressure side of symptoms. However, other participants state itself returned to normal in time from a half to two months. That is the conclusion of scientists: the "ephedrine, caffeine, in fact, promotes weight loss. There are side effects of a temporary nature, which need to discuss with the doctor.
Fat Burners and Diet Pills
Improving endurance
If you took lose weight using "zhiroszhigatelya with ephedrine, whether you get from the drug effects of doping? Yes, get.
Here's an experiment data on conventional rastrenirovannyh men. They suggested Pedal bicycle ergometer to "complete exhaustion". Those who took a placebo, left the "distance" after 17 minutes, while ephedrine and caffeine members experiments "proderzhalis 28 minutes.
Naturally, you may be tempted to put a drive and eat double or even triple dose of "zhiroszhigatelya, but so do not be. If a horse runs at a speed of 30 km, it does not mean that the two povezut you at speeds of under 60. Exceeding the recommended dose, you are wise to increase the risk of side effects, and just everything.
Common sense
For safety, never exceed the upper limit of 90 mg of ephedrine alkaloids per day. Carefully read the label on a product. Sometimes, "zhiroszhigatel" contains ephedra, and mahuang. Doses of 90 mg is enough to make your treningu second wind. To lose weight, a dose of less than half.
However, it is necessary to remember that's what. Completeness is often accompanied by heart and kidney ailments. So vzyavshis shock lose weight with the help of caffeine and ephedrine, you can run on its hidden disease. Need a caution. Better to show before taking the drug a doctor, and he certainly knows himself, as you check for possible health problems. M & F
Tip: What is ephedrine?
Ephedra - the plant (Ephedra sinica), is a natural source of ephedrine alkaloids. Different types of ephedra contain different amounts of these alkaloids.
How many dietary supplements containing ephedra? The composition of food additives, usually consists of extracts of ephedra from 6 to 8, the percentage of ephedrine alkaloids. At the label reputable firms typically given them the exact dose in milligrams, so that you do not have to fool, to calculate those same 6-8 per cent. If not, get into the hands of a calculator and make their own calculations. Products with ephedra produced very much. Large firms are paying great attention to quality control, so that their labels could be trusted - that is written, you will get. Little-known companies which supply the market ephedra, less reliable, the contents of the package may not match what it says.
How safe food additives? According to independent researchers, with a natural supplement ephedra can be considered harmless if its daily dose contains no more than 90 mg of ephedrine alkaloids. Most of its products contain far fewer.
What are contraindications to ephedrine? Ephedrine is contraindicated in the following diagnoses: coronary thrombosis, diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, hypertension, all thyroid illness, a breach of cerebral circulation, feohromotsitoma (a form of adrenal cancer, singling out epinephrine), an increase in the prostate. A particularly dangerous ephedrine with kidney damage. We do not recommend taking supplements with ephedra those prescribed medications with ephedrine alkaloid, in addition, ephedra is contraindicated for those taking medication, which is monoaminoksidaza. Next, ephedrine should not adopt children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women and older persons.
пятница, 20 июня 2008 г.
Muscle Builders » Steroid Alternatives
"Testosterone Explosion" Mass Stack (12 Week Cycle)
1-Andro Sterone
Advanced Cycle (4 Week Cycle)
Beginner Cycle (4 Week Cycle)
Chlorodrol 50
Drenbolone (3 Pack)
Drenbolone (5 Pack)
Halobolan 35
Halodrol Liquigels
Hyperdrol X2
Jungle Warfare
Liquid Masterdrol
M1 Bol
Mass Tabs
Maximus Stack (6 Week Cycle)
Methyl E
Methyl Masterdrol V2
MyoMale 2012
Off Cycle
On Cycle
Straight Drol
Straight Phlexed
Super Flex
Super Tren-MG
Superbolan 20
Superdrol NG
Testdren ADP

Muscle Builders » Protein » 100% Egg Protein (40 oz)
100% Whey Protein (5lb Banana)
100% Whey Protein (5lb Chocolate)
100% Whey Protein (5lb Vanilla)
After Max (4 lbs Chocolate)
After Max (4 lbs Vanilla)
Animal Max Protein (Chocolate)
Animal Max Protein (Vanilla)
Complete Whey Protein (5lbs Banana Creme)
Designer Whey (Chocolate Peanut Caramel)
Designer Whey (Chocolate)
Designer Whey (French Vanilla)
Designer Whey (Natural)
Designer Whey (Strawberry)
Designer Whey (Vanilla Praline)
Elite 12 (Chocolate)
Elite 12 (Vanilla)
Freak Fix (2lb Chocolate)
Freak Fix (2lb Vanilla)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (10 lbs Chocolate)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (10 lbs Strawberry)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (10 lbs Vanilla)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Chocolate)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Cookies n' Cream)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Rocky Road)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Strawberry)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Tropical Punch)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Vanilla Ice Cream)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Chocolate Mint)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Chocolate)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Rocky Road)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Strawberry)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Tropical Punch)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Vanilla)
Hemp Protein
Hot Stuff (1.4 lbs Banana)
Hot Stuff (1.4 lbs Chocolate)
Hot Stuff (2.8 lbs Banana)
Hot Stuff (2.8 lbs Chocolate)
IntraPRO (Chocolate)
IntraPRO (Strawberries and Cream)
IntraPRO (Vanilla)
IsoBolic (2 lbs Chocolate)
IsoBolic (2 lbs Raspberry Yogurt)
IsoBolic (2 lbs Vanilla)
IsoBolic (5 lbs Chocolate)
IsoBolic (5 lbs Raspberry Yogurt)
IsoBolic (5 lbs Vanilla)
Isopure (3 lbs Alpine Punch)
Isopure (3 lbs Apple Melon)
Isopure (3 lbs Chocolate)
Isopure (3 lbs Mango Peach)
Isopure (3 lbs Pineapple Orange Banana)
Isopure (3 lbs Strawberry)
Isopure (3 lbs Vanilla)
IsoPure (7.5 lbs Creamy Vanilla)
IsoPure (7.5 lbs Dutch Chocolate)
IsoPure (7.5 lbs Strawberries & Cream)
Lean Dessert (Banana Cream Pudding)
Lean Dessert (Banana Nut Bread)
Lean Dessert (Chocolate Fudge)
Lean Dessert (Chocolate-Coconut Candy Bar)
Lean Dessert (Fresh Cinnamon Roll)
Lean Dessert (Whipped Vanilla)
Maxx Essentials (10lb Chocolate)
Maxx Essentials (10lb Cookies & Cream)
Maxx Essentials (10lb Strawberry)
Maxx Essentials (10lb Vanilla)
Maxx Essentials (5lb Chocolate)
Maxx Essentials (5lb Cookies n Creme)
Maxx Essentials (5lb Strawberry)
Maxx Essentials (5lb Vanilla)
Muscle Milk (Banana Crème)
Muscle Milk (Chocolate Banana Crunch)
Muscle Milk (Chocolate Caramel Pecan)
Muscle Milk (Chocolate Milk)
Muscle Milk (Chocolate Mint Chip)
Muscle Milk (Cookies 'n Crème)
Muscle Milk (Creme Brulee)
Muscle Milk (Egg Nog)
Muscle Milk (Mocha Joe)
Muscle Milk (Natural Fresh Strawberry)
Muscle Milk (Natural Real Chocolate)
Muscle Milk (Natural Vanilla Crème)
Muscle Milk (Orange Crème)
Muscle Milk (Peanut Butter Chocolate)
Muscle Milk (Rocky Road)
Muscle Milk (Root Beer Float)
Muscle Milk (Strawberry Milkshake)
Muscle Milk (Vanilla Creme)
Probolic-SR (2 lbs Chocolate)
Probolic-SR (2 lbs Strawberry)
Probolic-SR (2 lbs Vanilla)
ProCore (2 lb Caramel)
ProPeptide (Chocolate Malt)
ProPeptide (Strawberry)
ProPeptide (Vanilla)
Syntha-6 (Chocolate Milkshake)
Syntha-6 (Banana)
Syntha-6 (Cookies & Cream)
Syntha-6 (Mochaccino)
Syntha-6 (Strawberry Milkshake)
Syntha-6 (Vanilla Ice Cream)
Ultra Peptide (Chocolate)
Ultra Peptide (Vanilla)
VP2 (Chocolate)
VP2 (Vanilla)
XProtein (Chocolate)
Xprotein Xtreme (Vanilla)
Muscle Builders » Creatine » Anabolic Window (Lemonade)
ANAVOL (180 Capsules)
BIG Electrochemical Anabolic Matrix (Fruit Punch)
BIG Electrochemical Anabolic Matrix (Grape)
CellMass (1.4lb Berry)
CellMass (1.4lb Grape)
CellMass (2lb Berry)
CellMass (2lb Grape)
CellTech (Fruit Punch)
CellTech (Grape)
CellTech (Lemon Lime)
CellTech (Orange)
CEX XS6470
Cold Fusion EX
CreaGen (Orange)
Creakic (180 Tablets)
Creatine (500 g)
Creatine Ethyl Ester (120 Capsules)
Creatine Ethyl Ester (240 Capsules)
Creatine Ethyl Ester (396 Capsules)
Creatine HSC (Grape)
Creatine HSC (Lemon Squeeze)
Creatine Monohydrate (2 oz)
Creatine Monohydrate (2.2lb)
Creatine Monohydrate (4 oz)
Creatine Monohydrate Powder
Creatine Monohydrate Powder (Twinpak)
Creatine Monohydrate Powder (Twinpak, Bonus)
DNA Accelerator (Orange)
Fierce (Orange)
Green MAGnitude (Sour Green Apple)
Kre-Alkalyn 1500
Mass Cycle Extreme
Mid Cycle
NO Xplode (Blue Raspberry)
NO Xplode (Fruit Punch)
NO Xplode (Grape)
NO Xplode (Lemonade)
NO Xplode (Orange Citrus)
NO3 Overload
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Blueberry)
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Fruit Punch)
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Lemon Lime)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Blueberry)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Fruit Punch)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Lemon Lime)
NOZ Supercharged (Discontinued)
Phosphagen Elite (4.09lb Fruit Punch)
Phosphagen Elite (4.09lb Orange)
Red Cell
SizeOn (Arctic Lemon Ice)
SizeOn (Grape Blast)
SizeOn (Tablets)
SizeOn (Wild Berry Punch)
Skin-Bursting Stack
Vitargo CGL (Fruit Punch)
Vitargo CGL (Orange)
Muscle Builders » Amino Acids » 100% Egg Amino
Acetyl L Carnitine
All in One Exercise & Recovery Fuel
Amino 2000 (150 Tablets)
Amino 2000 (325 Tablets)
Amino Fuel (32 oz)
Amino Gelcap (200 Softgels)
Animal M Stak
Animal Nitro
Animal Nitro G
Arginine Pyroglutamate
BCAA (120 Tablets)
BCAA (300 Capsules)
BCAA + G (Lemonade)
BCAA Ethyl Ester
Complete Amino 2200
Complete BCAA Power (120 Capsules)
Complete BCAA Power (240 Capsules)
Growth Factor (Grape)
Growth Factor (Lemon Lime)
L-Glutamine (100 Capsules)
Leukix (Discontinued)
NAC 500
Perfect Amino Acids
Perfect BCAA's
Purple Wraath (Grape)
Muscle Builders » Glutamine » Chewable G-Tek
GL3 (10oz)
GL3 (42oz)
Gluta Pure
Glutamine Micronized
Glutamine Powder (Bonus)
Ice (Fruit Punch)
Ice (Grape)
Ice (Wildberry Lemonade)
L-Glutamine (100 Capsules)
L-Glutamine MAX
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Blueberry)
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Fruit Punch)
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Lemon Lime)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Blueberry)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Fruit Punch)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Lemon Lime)
VPX Glutamine

Muscle Builders » Growth Hormone » AlphaDopa Poppers
Anabolic Activator
Anabolic Humana Test
GH Stack
Hemogex (20 Vials)
Human Growth Complex
Human Growth Complex for Men
Human Growth Complex for Women
Primo GH Stak
Tornado Stack (4 Week Cycle)
XNGF Growth Factor
1-Andro Sterone
Advanced Cycle (4 Week Cycle)
Beginner Cycle (4 Week Cycle)
Chlorodrol 50
Drenbolone (3 Pack)
Drenbolone (5 Pack)
Halobolan 35
Halodrol Liquigels
Hyperdrol X2
Jungle Warfare
Liquid Masterdrol
M1 Bol
Mass Tabs
Maximus Stack (6 Week Cycle)
Methyl E
Methyl Masterdrol V2
MyoMale 2012
Off Cycle
On Cycle
Straight Drol
Straight Phlexed
Super Flex
Super Tren-MG
Superbolan 20
Superdrol NG
Testdren ADP
Muscle Builders » Protein » 100% Egg Protein (40 oz)
100% Whey Protein (5lb Banana)
100% Whey Protein (5lb Chocolate)
100% Whey Protein (5lb Vanilla)
After Max (4 lbs Chocolate)
After Max (4 lbs Vanilla)
Animal Max Protein (Chocolate)
Animal Max Protein (Vanilla)
Complete Whey Protein (5lbs Banana Creme)
Designer Whey (Chocolate Peanut Caramel)
Designer Whey (Chocolate)
Designer Whey (French Vanilla)
Designer Whey (Natural)
Designer Whey (Strawberry)
Designer Whey (Vanilla Praline)
Elite 12 (Chocolate)
Elite 12 (Vanilla)
Freak Fix (2lb Chocolate)
Freak Fix (2lb Vanilla)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (10 lbs Chocolate)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (10 lbs Strawberry)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (10 lbs Vanilla)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Chocolate)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Cookies n' Cream)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Rocky Road)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Strawberry)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Tropical Punch)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (2 lbs Vanilla Ice Cream)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Chocolate Mint)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Chocolate)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Rocky Road)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Strawberry)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Tropical Punch)
Gold Standard 100% Whey (5 lbs Vanilla)
Hemp Protein
Hot Stuff (1.4 lbs Banana)
Hot Stuff (1.4 lbs Chocolate)
Hot Stuff (2.8 lbs Banana)
Hot Stuff (2.8 lbs Chocolate)
IntraPRO (Chocolate)
IntraPRO (Strawberries and Cream)
IntraPRO (Vanilla)
IsoBolic (2 lbs Chocolate)
IsoBolic (2 lbs Raspberry Yogurt)
IsoBolic (2 lbs Vanilla)
IsoBolic (5 lbs Chocolate)
IsoBolic (5 lbs Raspberry Yogurt)
IsoBolic (5 lbs Vanilla)
Isopure (3 lbs Alpine Punch)
Isopure (3 lbs Apple Melon)
Isopure (3 lbs Chocolate)
Isopure (3 lbs Mango Peach)
Isopure (3 lbs Pineapple Orange Banana)
Isopure (3 lbs Strawberry)
Isopure (3 lbs Vanilla)
IsoPure (7.5 lbs Creamy Vanilla)
IsoPure (7.5 lbs Dutch Chocolate)
IsoPure (7.5 lbs Strawberries & Cream)
Lean Dessert (Banana Cream Pudding)
Lean Dessert (Banana Nut Bread)
Lean Dessert (Chocolate Fudge)
Lean Dessert (Chocolate-Coconut Candy Bar)
Lean Dessert (Fresh Cinnamon Roll)
Lean Dessert (Whipped Vanilla)
Maxx Essentials (10lb Chocolate)
Maxx Essentials (10lb Cookies & Cream)
Maxx Essentials (10lb Strawberry)
Maxx Essentials (10lb Vanilla)
Maxx Essentials (5lb Chocolate)
Maxx Essentials (5lb Cookies n Creme)
Maxx Essentials (5lb Strawberry)
Maxx Essentials (5lb Vanilla)
Muscle Milk (Banana Crème)
Muscle Milk (Chocolate Banana Crunch)
Muscle Milk (Chocolate Caramel Pecan)
Muscle Milk (Chocolate Milk)
Muscle Milk (Chocolate Mint Chip)
Muscle Milk (Cookies 'n Crème)
Muscle Milk (Creme Brulee)
Muscle Milk (Egg Nog)
Muscle Milk (Mocha Joe)
Muscle Milk (Natural Fresh Strawberry)
Muscle Milk (Natural Real Chocolate)
Muscle Milk (Natural Vanilla Crème)
Muscle Milk (Orange Crème)
Muscle Milk (Peanut Butter Chocolate)
Muscle Milk (Rocky Road)
Muscle Milk (Root Beer Float)
Muscle Milk (Strawberry Milkshake)
Muscle Milk (Vanilla Creme)
Probolic-SR (2 lbs Chocolate)
Probolic-SR (2 lbs Strawberry)
Probolic-SR (2 lbs Vanilla)
ProCore (2 lb Caramel)
ProPeptide (Chocolate Malt)
ProPeptide (Strawberry)
ProPeptide (Vanilla)
Syntha-6 (Chocolate Milkshake)
Syntha-6 (Banana)
Syntha-6 (Cookies & Cream)
Syntha-6 (Mochaccino)
Syntha-6 (Strawberry Milkshake)
Syntha-6 (Vanilla Ice Cream)
Ultra Peptide (Chocolate)
Ultra Peptide (Vanilla)
VP2 (Chocolate)
VP2 (Vanilla)
XProtein (Chocolate)
Xprotein Xtreme (Vanilla)
Muscle Builders » Creatine » Anabolic Window (Lemonade)
ANAVOL (180 Capsules)
BIG Electrochemical Anabolic Matrix (Fruit Punch)
BIG Electrochemical Anabolic Matrix (Grape)
CellMass (1.4lb Berry)
CellMass (1.4lb Grape)
CellMass (2lb Berry)
CellMass (2lb Grape)
CellTech (Fruit Punch)
CellTech (Grape)
CellTech (Lemon Lime)
CellTech (Orange)
CEX XS6470
Cold Fusion EX
CreaGen (Orange)
Creakic (180 Tablets)
Creatine (500 g)
Creatine Ethyl Ester (120 Capsules)
Creatine Ethyl Ester (240 Capsules)
Creatine Ethyl Ester (396 Capsules)
Creatine HSC (Grape)
Creatine HSC (Lemon Squeeze)
Creatine Monohydrate (2 oz)
Creatine Monohydrate (2.2lb)
Creatine Monohydrate (4 oz)
Creatine Monohydrate Powder
Creatine Monohydrate Powder (Twinpak)
Creatine Monohydrate Powder (Twinpak, Bonus)
DNA Accelerator (Orange)
Fierce (Orange)
Green MAGnitude (Sour Green Apple)
Kre-Alkalyn 1500
Mass Cycle Extreme
Mid Cycle
NO Xplode (Blue Raspberry)
NO Xplode (Fruit Punch)
NO Xplode (Grape)
NO Xplode (Lemonade)
NO Xplode (Orange Citrus)
NO3 Overload
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Blueberry)
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Fruit Punch)
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Lemon Lime)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Blueberry)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Fruit Punch)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Lemon Lime)
NOZ Supercharged (Discontinued)
Phosphagen Elite (4.09lb Fruit Punch)
Phosphagen Elite (4.09lb Orange)
Red Cell
SizeOn (Arctic Lemon Ice)
SizeOn (Grape Blast)
SizeOn (Tablets)
SizeOn (Wild Berry Punch)
Skin-Bursting Stack
Vitargo CGL (Fruit Punch)
Vitargo CGL (Orange)
Muscle Builders » Amino Acids » 100% Egg Amino
Acetyl L Carnitine
All in One Exercise & Recovery Fuel
Amino 2000 (150 Tablets)
Amino 2000 (325 Tablets)
Amino Fuel (32 oz)
Amino Gelcap (200 Softgels)
Animal M Stak
Animal Nitro
Animal Nitro G
Arginine Pyroglutamate
BCAA (120 Tablets)
BCAA (300 Capsules)
BCAA + G (Lemonade)
BCAA Ethyl Ester
Complete Amino 2200
Complete BCAA Power (120 Capsules)
Complete BCAA Power (240 Capsules)
Growth Factor (Grape)
Growth Factor (Lemon Lime)
L-Glutamine (100 Capsules)
Leukix (Discontinued)
NAC 500
Perfect Amino Acids
Perfect BCAA's
Purple Wraath (Grape)
Muscle Builders » Glutamine » Chewable G-Tek
GL3 (10oz)
GL3 (42oz)
Gluta Pure
Glutamine Micronized
Glutamine Powder (Bonus)
Ice (Fruit Punch)
Ice (Grape)
Ice (Wildberry Lemonade)
L-Glutamine (100 Capsules)
L-Glutamine MAX
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Blueberry)
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Fruit Punch)
NOX-CG3 (14 oz Lemon Lime)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Blueberry)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Fruit Punch)
NOX-CG3 (27.5 oz Lemon Lime)
VPX Glutamine
Muscle Builders » Growth Hormone » AlphaDopa Poppers
Anabolic Activator
Anabolic Humana Test
GH Stack
Hemogex (20 Vials)
Human Growth Complex
Human Growth Complex for Men
Human Growth Complex for Women
Primo GH Stak
Tornado Stack (4 Week Cycle)
XNGF Growth Factor
Durabol - British Dragon
Durabolin is very similar to the popular Deca-Durabolin. Durabolin must be injected frequently and in regular intervals. The substance nandrolone-phenylpropionate quickly gets into the blood, where it remains active for two to three days. Athletes who hope for optimal results inject Durabolin every third day, or even every two days. The dosage is around 50-100 mg per injection, or a total of 150-300 mg/week. Those who have access to the 50 mg version should take advantage of it since it is less expensive than the 25 mg version, which is normally more easily available. in addition, the 1-2 ml injections are more pleasant than the 2-4 ml. Durabolin has a distinct anabolic effect which assists the protein synthesis and allows the protein to be stored in the muscle cell in large amounts. This is combined with a moderate androgenic component which stimulates the athlete's regeneration and helps maintain the muscle mass during a diet. It shows that Durabolin stores much less water in the body than Deca-Durabolin. For this reason, Durabolin is more suitable for a preparation for a competition while Deca should be given preference for the buildup of strength and muscle mass. Durabolin, however, can be used for this purpose as well. The gains are fewer and slower than with Deca but of a higher quality and remain, for the most part, after discontinuing the com-pound. A stack suitable for this purpose would be, e.g. 56 mg Durabolin every 2 days, 50 mg Testosterone Propionate every days, and 20 mg Winstrol tablets every day.
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